Following Rick, Michonne, and Rosita’s harrowing adventures on last week’s Walking Dead, we try to squeeze every last detail on this week’s Things To Note!
IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN!!! After the previous week’s focus on Eugene and his stay with The Saviors, last week, we were thrown back to The Group, specifically Rick, Michonne, and Rostia.
All three took to the wilderness in search of the guns they need to meet their bargain with the scavengers. Rick and Michonne ventured to what I’ve dubbed “The Carnival Of Doom”, while Rosita struck out on her own.
And, while these facts are obvious, what about the ones that aren’t so obvious? Did you catch what might have been a little reference to Rick and Glenn’s first meeting? Or Saviors behaving like another storied Walking Dead villain?
No? It’s okay, that’s what I’m here for: To find all those the little nuggets of information you might miss.
Are you ready? Because, it’s time for this week’s THINGS TO NOTE!!!
Next: With Friends Like These...