5) Rick says that he owes Michonne a deer. This is a reference to the fact Michonne was forced to hand a deer she’d hunted over to The Saviors when they came for their first collection in “Service”.
6) The circumstances surrounding what I am dubbing “The Carnival Of Doom” are curious. How did everyone die? Walkers? If it were because of hostiles, you’d assume the attackers would have taken the soldiers’ weapons and equipment and not let them turn.
7) Furthermore, the presence of so many soldiers would suggest the area fell relatively early in the apocalypse. Were the school and carnival being used as a safe zone? The presence of all the supplies at the school certainly doesn’t dissuade me from thinking it…
8) Rick and Michonne falling through the roof of the school is the second time members of The Group have been involved in roof collapsing incidents. The first was when walkers rained down through the roof of the Big Spot (And eventually killing Zach) in season four’s “30 Days Without An Accident”.
Next: Fun And Games At The Carnival Of Doom