#2. What will Richard do next to provoke The Saviors?
Richard has been poking at The Saviors for a while now. His plan to draw The Kingdom into the war against Negan’s men has been in place for a while now, as he was picking at Jared during drops and even planned on using Carol as bait in the past.
However, his biggest plan to sway King Ezekiel into joining the fight was a dangerous one that put a lot into the hands of The Saviors. Instead of just pushing Jared during drops, he came up with a plan to make sure that Gavin and his men had no choice but to take action.
Not only did Richard make sure that there was not enough food in the weekly drop, but he used shopping carts to create a roadblock that would delay the truck long enough to make them late for their arrival.
Richard knew the danger of the situation and dug his own grave. He assumed that his life would be the one lost because of the incident, even putting his deceased daughter’s backpack in the pile of earth to cover him.