Gregory is forcing a confrontation with Jesus and Maggie on The Walking Dead

Tom Payne as Paul 'Jesus' Rovia, Lauren Cohan as Maggie Greene - The Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Tom Payne as Paul 'Jesus' Rovia, Lauren Cohan as Maggie Greene - The Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

Maggie and Jesus have tried to keep the situation calm at The Hilltop, but Gregory knows Maggie is a real threat to him in season 7 of The Walking Dead. Will that confrontation force Rick to attack before he’s ready?

In latest episode of The Walking Dead titled “The Other Side” things got tense at The Hilltop. Gregory confided in Simon that he might need some help keeping control at Hilltop Colony. He didn’t reveal Maggie or Daryl’s presence but he hinted that there was trouble.

Maggie and Jesus, along with Sasha, have been training the people at The Hilltop to fight and building up their arsenal of homemade knives and weapons. But in the preview for the next episode of The Walking Dead “Something They Need” it looks like Gregory is going to force a confrontation with Maggie.

Gregory already threatened Jesus and let him know that he doesn’t consider Jesus a friend or an ally. Jesus didn’t take well to being threatened. And it’s pretty stupid for Gregory to threaten someone with the skills that Jesus has. But that’s typical behavior for him because Gregory is a weak and self-serving leader.

It’s obvious that the situation at The Hilltop is becoming untenable pretty quickly. One way or another the issue of who is leading there is going to be decided. But since Gregory is loyal to The Saviors will a confrontation between Gregory and Maggie force Rick to attack before he’s ready?

The Element of Surprise

Lauren Cohan as Maggie Greene, Tom Payne as Paul 'Jesus' Rovia - The Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Lauren Cohan as Maggie Greene, Tom Payne as Paul ‘Jesus’ Rovia – The Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 13 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

One of the few advantages that the survivors have is the element of surprise. Negan and The Saviors don’t currently know that they are planning an uprising or that the other communities are involved.

If Gregory tells The Saviors about Maggie being alive and Daryl being at The Hilltop that will force Rick’s hand.  Rick will be forced to attack in order to save Maggie and Daryl. It’s also a safe bet that Negan would know that Rick was involved in the cover-up.  Rick was the one who alluded to Maggie being dead when Negan asked about her. If she turns up alive Negan will know Rick lied.

If Negan brings The Saviors back to Alexandria to punish Rick for the lie, Rick will be forced to go on the offensive in order to protect Alexandria.

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Gregory Has To Go

In order to prevent that Maggie and Jesus are going to have to kill Gregory. There’s no other way that scenario can play out. Jesus knows now that Gregory is a liability they can’t afford. If he confronts Maggie or tries to kill her they will have to kill him before he can alert The Saviors to their presence.

And if that’s how it goes down well, it couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy than Gregory. But if Gregory turns up dead Jesus will have to take over as the apparent leader of The Hilltop.

Jesus dealing with The Saviors will protect Maggie and Daryl. And it gives Rick the rest of the time he needs to bring The Scavengers on board and get ready for a full-scale assault on Negan and The Saviors.

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With just two episodes left of The Walking Dead season 7 there’s sure to be some big events coming quickly. Don’t miss a single episode of AMC’s epic zombie survival drama series!