5 questions remaining after The Walking Dead 714 ‘The Other Side’

Sasha - The Walking Dead 714, AMC
Sasha - The Walking Dead 714, AMC /
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Steven Ogg as Simon, Xander Berkeley as Gregory - The Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 14 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Steven Ogg as Simon, Xander Berkeley as Gregory – The Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 14 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC /

#3. Would Simon really help Gregory?

Gregory knows that he’s losing control over The Hilltop. His selfish method of leadership and cowardice when interacting with The Saviors has led the community to rally around Maggie instead of him in times of trouble.

Now, Gregory needs to do whatever he can to hold on to his comfy position. He’s divided up the people from Alexandria, threatened Jesus, and even tried to enlist the help of The Saviors to keep him in charge.

But just how invested is Simon in keeping Gregory as their point man? He gave Gregory a piece of paper with something written on it, but are those directions to The Sanctuary or just Simon messing with him?

The Saviors likely don’t care. They’ll intimidate and overpower anyone who steps in their way. Gregory should be very careful when asking for favors from people as ruthless as The Saviors. Spencer found that out the hard way.