6) Of all the things for a person to get particular about in a zombie apocalypse, Roy’s insistence that Enid use the proper pronunciation of “vegetable” might be the most peculiar.
7) Also, when compared to Enid’s run-in with David in “Service”, her encounter with Roy might be one of the most pleasant interactions with an individual Savior yet.
8) Gregory’s reaction to getting a crate of aspirin in exchange for Dr. Carson appears to be the first real sign of displeasure at his arrangement with The Saviors; Or at least, the first we’ve seen.
9) It’s interesting seeing Gregory express his concerns to Simon about a potential mutiny, as well as Simon’s response. It seems to be almost the complete antithesis of Spencer and Negan’s conversation on the topic in “Hearts Still Beating”.
10) Did Simon give Gregory the address to (Presumably) his outpost? Hmm…that might come in handy later.
Next: Of Calamities And Hostiles?