Walking Dead Season 7, Episode 15 recap: Who will die next week?

The Walking Dead aired the penultimate episode of the seventh season, Undead Walking Live hosts Mark Carman and Josh Hill break it all down.

With just one more episode left to go in this season of The Walking Dead, things are heading towards some sort of epic conclusion. As a word of caution, if you haven’t yet seen the most recent episode of The Walking Dead, stop here as there are spoilers ahead.

For those of you who indeed indulged in the episode, continue on and let’s discuss what we saw.

For starters, Sasha is alive but not well. As a captive in Negan’s compound, Sasha seems to be set up for an exit from the show, should things break that way. Someone not in Negan’s compound — or apparently his employ — is Dwight. The episode ended with Rick holding a gun to Dwight’s head and setting up a situation in which psycho Rick could make a violent return.

Of course, one of the biggest questions on our minds is who the rat is. Which character is leaking information from Alexandria to Negan — who is his ‘little birdie’? Undead Walking Live hosts mark Carman and Josh Hill sit down and discuss this week’s episode and look ahead at who might die in next week’s finale.

Here’s what is packed into this week’s show:

  • Who is Negan’s “little birdie” feeding him information from Alexandria?
  • An argument over whether Rick was right to storm Oceanside.
  • Is Dwight for real or is his defection a double-cross?
  • Who will die next week in the season finale?

You can watch the full episode here:

During next week’s season finale episode, be sure to tweet Undead Walking your questions to have them answered on the show.