The Walking Dead : Undead Chats with David, Dianne and Beatrice

Oceanside Walkers. The Walker Dead. AMC.
Oceanside Walkers. The Walker Dead. AMC.
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Undead Chats on our Twitter are getting intense as The Walking Dead gets closer to closing the seventh season. We had 3 chats last Sunday!

The Walking Dead is approaching that exciting time of year. The last few episodes of the season before the hideous hiatus. We’ve been celebrating with a full schedule of chats on our Twitter. For episode 715, our guests were:  Kerry Cahill, Dianne from the Kingdom; Briana Venskus, Beatrice of Oceanside; and Martinez, David of the Saviors.

Little did we know what was in store for David in the episode. Martinez stayed with our Twitter followers after his chat and live Tweeted the episode so we got to experience his death with him! He is much kinder and much funnier than his character as you’ll see in the highlight Tweets!

Let’s get right to the highlights of these chats!