The Walking Dead : Undead Chats with David, Dianne and Beatrice

Oceanside Walkers. The Walker Dead. AMC.
Oceanside Walkers. The Walker Dead. AMC.
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David - The Walking Dead 715, AMC
David – The Walking Dead 715, AMC

Actor Martinez-David of the Saviors

On his own death:

On Dwight at the end:

More from Undead Walking

It was so great to have 3 Undead Chats in one night. Poor Martinez. It was sad to see him die after just laughing at his jokes moments earlier! But it was David who died, not Martinez. And David went out like a boss.

For the finale, we have a packed schedule of chats and some surprise giveaways. Hang out with us all day on Twitter! Josh MIkel, Peter Zimmerman, Josh Turner, and Indiana Sifuentes are on deck to chat and Saviors Roe Digi and Hunter Watson are live Tweeting the episode!

We also have at least one chat lined up for the week after the finale that we will announce on Sunday night. I’d like to send a super huge thank you to all of these wonderful actors for being so generous with their time and sharing their experiences with our followers on Undead Walking. We are so grateful! #twdfamily #undeadwalkingfamily