The Good Stuff from 716
- Dwight’s plea for Alexandria. His situation is a tough one. Gaining trust after killing Denise isn’t easy, especially with a hothead like Daryl pointing a knife at this head. Still, he was able to persuade Rick to give him a shot. With how heartless Alexandria has been lately, it’s good to see some humanity still exists.
- Negan delivering room service. Smiling pancakes, fresh fruit, and a tray full of goodies delivered straight to her cell. It’s strange to see such a complicated combination of cockiness, compassion, and humor come from a villain is unique to television and something that makes Negan so interesting.
- Maggie stepping up again. By now, viewers have realized that Maggie would eventually be taking over The Hilltop. The interaction between her and Jesus when deciding whether or not to head to Alexandria to help Rick and the others is a big call, but she’s got people who trust her in the community.
- Carl seizing the opportunity. As soon as it was revealed that Sasha was a zombie and she pounced on Negan, Carl took that opportunity to start taking out The Scavengers. The entire community followed his lead, fighting back against Jadis’ people as well as The Saviors.
- The Kingdom and The Hilltop’s arrival. While the arrival of The Hilltop was great too, there was something amazing about watching Shiva eating people’s faces and pouncing on The Saviors. That was some fantastic television and how it saved Carl at the last possible moment was great television!
- Maggie’s touching end to the season. Her words not only worked to unite everyone, but it tied the entire situation together while giving respects to everything that happened in the past. A fantastic end to the season.