1) The barnacle walkers we see at the top of the episode seem to be pouring out of the freighter seen in the background. How long had it been out there? What caused it to sink? I smell fodder for another webisode…
2) In what is a pretty major departure from the comics (Not least of which because, in the comics, it was Holly, not Sasha), Sasha is captured before The Group attacks The Saviors. In the comics, Holly was captured during the attack on The Saviors.
3) David creeping on Sasha certainly shouldn’t be a surprise to anybody. If you recall, we got hints of how much of a creep he could be during his exchange with Enid in “Service”.
4) David is the second Savior we’ve seen Negan kill, if you count Dr. Carson in “Hostiles And Calamities”, of course.
5) Incidentally, David is the sixth named Savior to die this season, behind Fat Joey, the aforementioned Dr. Carson, Isabelle (Whom Michonne killed in “Hearts Still Beating”), George and Chris (Whom Carl killed in “Sing Me A Song”). Seventh, if you count Gordon, Dwight’s old friend that he killed in “The Cell”.
Next: Who You Are and Who We Are Not