Top 10 Walking Dead Betrayals: Introduction
There’s nothing like a good betrayal on The Walking Dead! Let’s just say there’s been more than a few. The show is packed full of liars and cheats, self-centered narcissists, and just plain crazies… And we wouldn’t have it any other way!
Sometimes the mood just strikes and you go rouge like The Governor. Maybe the woman you love just had her believed-to-be dead husband return, like good ole’ Shane Walsh. Or maybe, just maybe you’d really like to play some Atari and eat some decent pickles, like Eugene. Whatever the case, survival, greed, business, there’s always a reason behind betrayal.
It’s a tale as old of time, from Roman times to AMC, betrayal is the currency that drives the world. Certainly The Walking Dead’s world, a utopia comparable to a dark back alley at 4am in the morning. Whether you just started watching The Walking Dead or been an avid viewer since season 1, you’re always a scene or two away from a nonchalant treacherous betrayal.
Let’s reflect on the ones that infuriated you, surprised and shocked, or maybe even broke your heart. No season will be spared from memory. We’ll look back at the grittiest, sneakiest, sharpest betrayals there ever were!
Remember just because a betrayal might have good intentions like Tara, doesn’t make it safe from scrutiny. Winners write history, betrayal can be a matter of perception. As the audience to this living stage they call The Walking Dead, we can only look back and reminiscence about how we got to this moment of the show. Things could have been different but they weren’t.
Let us begin with a supposedly good-natured betrayal, Tara giving up the Oceanside Community to Rick Grimes.
Next: 10) Tara Betrays Cyndie and the Oceanside Community