Top 10 Walking Dead Betrayals: From Shane to Jadis, We Look Back

Dwight and Sherry on The Walking Dead - Photo Credit: AMC via (Uploader: Cass)
Dwight and Sherry on The Walking Dead - Photo Credit: AMC via (Uploader: Cass)
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Tara, Cyndie, Natania - Photo Credit: AMC via (Uploader: Cass)
Tara, Cyndie, Natania – Photo Credit: AMC via (Uploader: Cass)

10) Tara Betrays Cyndie and the Oceanside Community

Cyndie let Tara escape Oceanside with her life, asking for only one thing in return… Never come back. Naturally, Tara came back. Sure, Rick and his group belive they’re doing the right thing by disarming Oceanside in order to fight the Saviors. Reasonable even, why should Oceanside hoard all the valuable weapons if they’re not going to use them in battle anyway, right?

Yet, Natania, the leader of Oceanside and Cyndie’s grandmother might be right too. Fighting the saviors is a bad deal with casualties abound, having any connection to the outside world can lead to what happened already. Ambush by Rick’s group, which is what it was really. Good or bad, it was an ambush rather than real negotiation. They came and took everything, didn’t even leave half.

Quite ironic, considering Negan and the Saviors did the same to Alexandria. The lines blur in this betrayal but make no mistake. Even if Cyndie approves the betrayal and its cause, it’s still a major blow to trust. Tara made a promise and revoked it when she felt her groups needs were more important than Oceanside’s. No more than a temporary truce at best until the time came to void said deal.

Would you ever share secrets or gossip with Tara knowing she might let it out when the time’s right? Probably not, even if she meant well.

Next: 9) Shane Betrays Otis