3) The Governor Betrays Martinez
The Governor and Martinez’ lives cross paths once again after the destruction of Woodbury. Martinez helps protect The Governor and his new family while asking for only one thing in return… To be treated as a co-equal instead of a second in command or henchman. He wants to, in his words “share the crown” with The Governor.
Naturally, the scene ends with The Governor hitting Martinez on the back of the head with a golf club. Picture the moment. The two are golfing on top of an RV at the time with Martinez a little tipsy, and as you know, one does not just golf with The Governor.
The Governor dumps Martinez body into the very walker pit he originally saved The Governor and daughter-in-spirit Meghan from. When the group discover Martinez’ remains they believe he simply got too drunk and fell on his own into the pit. The Governor in turn, gets off scot-free. He uses the soldiers remaining to launch his infamous ambush on Rick’s prison. So much for sharing the crown, better luck next time Martinez!
Next: 2) Shane Betrays Rick