Just because The Walking Dead is over for this season doesn’t mean we’re through! We still have make our way through Passage!
It’s that time again!!! While this season of The Walking Dead is finished, and season three of Fear The Walking Dead hasn’t begun, we do have something in-between: Passage!
During this past season, we’ve been graced with the story of Gabi and Sierra, a pair of survivors near the U.S.-Mexico border, trying to cross into Mexico, and all the difficulties that come with it.
Now, I already covered parts one through eight after the end of the first half of this season of Walking Dead and with no new episode to cover, it’s a perfect time to tackle the second half of this webisode series.
Of course, I’m not talking about the obvious stuff, like, being a tunnel, but rather, all the little tidbits and unanswered questions of each part.
Are you ready? It’s time for this week’s Things To Note!!
Next: Who's Out For Themselves, Again?