1) Gabi being partially deafened by the trap is reminiscent of Rick’s hearing being disabled after shooting the tank walker in The Walking Dead series premiere: “Days Gone Bye”.
2) At no point do we discover who set the trap, only that Colton (And his fellow Border Patrolmen) know about the trap. For all we know, smugglers might have set it before Border Patrol kicked them out.
3) Why wouldn’t Colton tell Gabi who else was with him. We eventually discover that he’s joined by a pair of his fellow Border Patrolmen…why not just tell her?
4) As Colton and Gabi make their way through the tunnel, he tells Gabi he thinks Sierra’s out for herself. Considering his failure to retrieve Gabi, the gentlemen doth protest too much, me thinks.
Next: Sierra Makes A New Friend