To be fair, Gregory isn’t a villain in the traditional sense. To the best of our knowledge, he didn’t rat out Rick to The Saviors (Don’t worry, we’ll get to who did, later). He didn’t kill anybody. He didn’t leave anybody to die. So, by that standard, he’s pretty okay.
However, Gregory earns a spot on this list via the one thing he did consistently: Be a coward.
Now, being a coward in a zombie apocalypse isn’t inherently bad, but, when it leads to you trying to betray friends/allies, it becomes so.

For example, when we first saw Simon visit The Hilltop in “Go Getters”.
As that episode (And Simon’s visit) came to a close, Gregory, believing Maggie and Sasha were in a closet, attempted to expose to Simon and his goons.
What would Negan have done, had Simon returned with Maggie and Sasha? I don’t know, but, one thing I do know is that it wouldn’t have been good for Alexandria.
I might not have been especially good for Gregory, “Harboring fugitives” and all, but it definitely wouldn’t have been good for Alexandria. Negan, feeling Rick might not have gotten the message, may have even turned around and killed another person as punishment for lying to him about Maggie.
This shows us the kind of character Gregory is. He’s so much of a coward, the mere presence of The Saviors is enough to get him to try to sell out his allies to them.
I’ll be fair: Gregory was not, in fact, the person who informed Negan about Rick’s plans. That said, I still think that the expedition he insisted Kal take him on was to Simon. What this may result in, we can only speculate.
Of course, being a backstabbing weasel is not the limit of Gregory’s chicanery, especially not when put against actual backstabbing.

In “The Other Side” we watched as Gregory mulled over stabbing Maggie in the back as she tried to dig up a blueberry bush. I’ll repeat that: He was going to stab a pregnant woman in the back while she dug up a blueberry bush. In a normal world, it couldn’t get much scummier than that.
Once again, this shows us how much a despicable coward Gregory is. Why was he about to kill Maggie? Because he was afraid of what would happen to him if The Saviors found out she was there? Not afraid of what might happen to his community or Alexandria, but him.
We’ve seen some selfish cowards in The Walking Dead before, but, never someone like Gregory. Gregory is such a selfish chicken, that he’s even willing to do things that might eventually doom him, just to save his skin right now. That takes devotion to the idea of being a massive chickenshit.
As I said, we’ve seen cowards in The Walking Dead before, but, Gregory is on a level most cowards can only dream of. Being a coward isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But, when you’re willing to betray allies at the possibility of a hostile finding out they’re there, that’s when it, and you, become a problem.
Next: The Best Laid Plans...