“We Don’t Bother”
Season seven of The Walking Dead introduced us to a completely new group: The Scavengers. The Scavengers live in a massive junkyard, which appears to shield them both from the dead and the living. Apparently, up until “Hearts Still Beating”, The Scavengers had gone unnoticed by Negan, and would have continued to had the former not made a deal with the latter.
With The Scavengers playing such a significant role in seasons seven and eight of The Walking Dead, I think it would be a disservice if we didn’t get a little more incite into them.
While I’m having a hard time imagining the finer details of it, I can only imagine any Scavenger origin weibsodes would start with Jadis.
What was she before the outbreak? Did she live in D.C.? Did she always lead The Scavengers?
Ideally, a Scavengers webisode would follow Jadis’s escape from the outbreak and lead to her forming her first group. If they wanted to make Jadis look even more sinister then how she did as season seven ended, AMC could show us Jadis backstabbing her way to leadership of the Scavengers. It would certainly help make Jadis a stronger villain as we headed into season eight, if nothing else.
But, on top of that, The Scavengers are so strange, it seems almost lazy not explaining at least something about them. When did they decide to go to the junkyard? Were The Scavengers already there when Jadis arrived? What made them start talking the way that do? Have they had any run-ins with other groups before Rick arrived?
I think it would be interesting seeing the evolution of the Scavengers, showing us how they slowly morphed from ordinary people living in a junkyard to the group we presently know. The story could be especially interesting if we also slowly watch Jadis use subterfuge and underhanded tactics to eventually ascend to the top of the proverbial heap.
Next: O Brother, Where Art Thou?