Teens recommend The Walking Dead to their parents

Christopher and his father - The Walking Dead, AMC
Christopher and his father - The Walking Dead, AMC

With summer vacation on the way, teens across the country will start binge watching shows like The Walking Dead. What are the shows they would recommend to their parents?

Since the advent of television, families have gathered around the tube over the years to watch shows together. However, with the rise of streaming services like Netflix and Hulu, families don’t need to gather to watch television. They don’t even need a television. So when it comes to watching shows as a family, those moments are few and far between these days. When asked what shows teens would recommend to their parents, The Walking Dead was high on the list.

While The Walking Dead may not be cut out for younger family members, it works for teens and their parents who want a more adult show that is compelling and entertaining. And we all know that The Walking Dead fandom is one of the best around, so what better way to bond as a family than to partake in the fun of Walker Stalker conventions together?

It makes sense that teens would suggest The Walking Dead to their parents, especially when parents can get caught up on Netflix ahead of season 8. The Walking Dead is something that parents can talk about with other parents, too, so it really is a good fit. And we all know parents love having the title of the “cool parents” who can talk about the hottest show on television.

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So if you have any friends who aren’t watching The Walking Dead, perhaps you should give them a gentle nudge and tell them that even their kids would want them to watch it. After all, it’s the best show on television!