#3. Did Negan save a civil war?
Jennifer Renson on Facebook: “If Negan hadn’t killed Spencer, would we see a Rick VS. Spencer civil war in Alexandria?”
One of the things that got pushed under the rug during the fight between Alexandria and The Saviors was the unrest that was happening between two groups there: Those who believe in Rick and those who wanted the community to go back to how it was.
Heath and Spencer were some of the only people of the community that wanted things to go back how they were, however it seems like everyone vocal about the situation was either killed off or disappeared without a trace.
If Spencer were able to convince Negan to put him into power, the entire dynamic of the community would have changed. Rick would have found himself answering to more people he didn’t agree with, and likely would have caused some major problems in the community.
However, AMC probably didn’t want that to happen since the situation between Pete Anderson and Rick had already done too similar of a story. Because of that, the show instead focused on ‘rising up’ against The Saviors instead of showing more of the struggles in Alexandria.