If your mother insane about zombies and obsessed with The Walking Dead, this gift guide is going to make your life very easy.
It’s Mother’s Day. Whether you’re ahead of the game or racing against the clock to get your mom the perfect gift, it’s go time.
There are a number of gifts you can get your mother, but what if she’s a giant Walking Dead fan? If that’s the case, look no further than these 20 amazing gifts you need to mix-and-match for the perfect gift combo.
To make it extra fun, take a budget of $100 and see how many things you can buy. Think of it as a mock draft in preparation for your final gift purchases.

20. Rick Grimes ‘Coral’ Mug
Price: $24.95
Why You Need It: No matter how many episodes of The Walking Dead you’ve watched, the common thread among all fans seems to be ‘Coral’. It’s what Rick Grimes routinely refers to his son Carl has, but not for some endearing reason. Rather that’s simply what Carl translates to when you ring it through Andrew Lincoln’s thick southern drawl. The mug is the perfect inside joke for all Walking Dead moms.

19. Walking Dead Monopoly
Price: $43.00
Why You Need It: There are few family traditions like playing Monopoly and wanting to kill each other by the end. Re-live these memories with your mother by playing Monopoly in the theme of her favorite show, which might help take the edge off.

18. The Walking Dead Trivia Box Set
Price: $13.25
Why You Need It: Turn visits to your mother’s into something you can all look forward to (more than you already were, of course). Whether it’s a few trivia questions here and there or a full-on contest, you can’t go wrong with Walking Dead trivia.

17. The Walking Dead Laser Cut Vinyl
Price: $41.40 (After shipping)
Why You Need It: You could get your mother a Walking Dead picture to hang or a poster — but that’s lame. Instead, get her something she’s not expecting that also plays up her love of The Walking Dead. Laser cut vinyl art is so in right now, and displaying a Walking Dead laser cut vinyl art is about as unique and hip as it gets.

16. Daryl Dixon Reindeer Sweater
Why You Need It: If your mom is in the know about The Walking Dead, then this is there perfect gift for her. It’s cozy, it’s stylish and it will scare the hell out of the neighbors when she checks the mail. Don’t settle for something band and mundane when picking out your mother’s Walking Dead gift, go big and hit a home run with this sweater.

15. The Walking Dead Cast Socks
Price: $12.95
Why You Need It: Sometimes fanning out means being subtle. Rather than wear your fandom on your sleeves (which there’s absolutely nothing wrong with) you need to be cool about it. Not every mom can walk around wielding a foam replica of Lucille, but she can represent The Walking Dead by subtitling wearing socks with images of the cast on them. It’s low-key fandom that proves she’s hardcore underneath.

14. Rick Grimes Fleece Throw Blanket
Price: $31.50
Why You Need It: Mother work hard. They give us all the life we want and they deserve to be rewarded in spades for all they do. What better way to say thanks to your Walking Dead mom than to give her a Rick Grimes soft fleece blanket to curl up with at the end of the day? Your mother deserves not only to rest but to do so literally wrapped in her fandom.

13. Daryl Dixon Crossbow Mug
Price: $16.98
Why You Need It: We all get a natural jolt from our morning cup of joe, but why not start your day out in the most badass way possible? Coffee mugs are cool and all — and there are plenty of nice Walking Dead ones out there — but none are cooler than the Daryl Dixon crossbow mug. Your mom will feel like a boss with every sip, and no one will ever again accidentally us her mug when they’re visiting.

12. The Walking Dead Toilet Paper Holder
Price: $17.50
Why You Need It: Why does toilet paper have to be boring? Hear me out: going to the bathroom is one of the most routine things a human being does. If there was ever an aspect of our lives that needed some spicing up in the safest way possible, it’s this — and that’s where The Walking Dead toilet roll holder comes into play. It’s a subtle way to show off fandom in the most hilarious of ways.

11. Negan ‘Lucille’ Replica
Price: $34.99
Why You Need It: If the foam Lucille wasn’t to your liking, then perhaps the real thing will be. Well, the closest thing to real. Your mother won’t be going around bopping anyone on the head with it, rather it can be an amazing trophy for the mantle and a perfect way for her to display her fandom to the world. Is there a better conversation piece for the living room than a bloodied barbed wire bat sitting atop the fireplace?

10. Daryl Dixon Crossbow Lamp
Price: $99.99
Why You Need It: This one is a bit on the pricey end, but this is your mother we’re talking about. She’s always worth going above and beyond for after all she’s done for you. If the Daryl Dixon crossbow mug was too subtle for you, then go big with a crossbow lamp that she can proudly display and use practically for years to come. It’s the perfect gift and one that will be worth every penny as soon as she sees it up.

9. The Walking Dead Season Set Blu-ray
Price: $14.99+
Why You Need It: It’s not the most original gift in the world, but how the heck can you go wrong with loading your mom up with Walking Dead action. This isn’t just showing off fandom, this is the ability to re-live it time and time again, without a subscription and without reruns. It doesn’t have to be the main gift, if you wanted to give her something else, but it’s hard to go wrong with literally giving your mom the show.

8. The Walking Negan Funko POP
Price: $11.40
Why You Need It: How can you not love these little figures? Some people get their mother angel figurines or something like that to display. Try making a tradition out of getting her Walking Dead Funko POP figures for her to display proudly for all houseguests to see?

7. Daryl Dixon Crossbow Earrings
Price: $12.95
Why You Need It: Let’s be real, there’s no character on The Walking Dead more popular than Daryl Dixon. We’ve already seen a crossbow coffee mug and a crossbow lamp on this list, but those might not float your mother’s boat. If she truly loves Daryl, then she might want to wear that appreciation in the most unexpected of ways — earrings. Crossbow earrings are a fantastic gift to give, and you could go for Child of the Year by going for the Daryl trifecta of gifts and getting all three items.

6. The Walking Dead Wine Glass
Price: $15.95
Why You Need It: There are a couple of coffee mug options on this list but maybe that’s not your mother’s beverage of choice. Maybe she likes to relax after a hard day and sip on some soothing wine. Now she can do that in a Walking Dead glass that shows off her fandom like few other teams do. Like a fine wine that needs a pairing, these glasses could go well packaged with the Rick Grimes fleece for ultimate relaxation.

5. Daryl Dixon Pillowcase
Price: $10.20 (After shipping)
Why You Need It: Everyone loves Daryl Dixon, and now your mother can take him to bed every single night. This cozy pillow will help push your mother off to dreamland the best way she can – resting within the safety of Daryl’s protection.

4. The Walking Dead Shoes
Price: $36.00
Why You Need It: If Walking Dead heels are a bit too ambitious for your mother — or don’t fit her style — then double down with the glam and trade up in coolness. Converse are a natural way for anyone to look hip, but add on the Walking Dead angle to these and all of a sudden these are some of the coolest kicks you can give your mother to show your appreciation.

3. Michonne Katana Sling Bag
Price: $37.81
Why You Need It: Subtly has been a theme throughout this list, except where it wasn’t, because you need to have options in finding the perfect Walking Dead gift for your mother. This is somewhere in the middle of the spectrum as it’s a practical gift that also screams Walking Dead fandom. Not everyone will get the reference, but that’s part of what makes it so cool as it’s a perfect way for your mother to have a practical gift she’ll use rule lacing it with Waking Dead awesomeness.

2. The Walking Dead Hardcover Omnibus Collections
Price: $63.00
Why You Need It: Just like how the Walking Dead Blu-ray/DVD sets weren’t the most creative gift idea in the world, the comics aren’t going o win you any creativity points. But this is about making your mother happy with her gift and spoiling her with fandom — and what better way than giving her the complete collections of comics in hardcover collectors format? It’s a blend of memorabilia and a way to indulge in the ultimate fandom.

1. Michonne Katana Replica
Price: $137.00
Why You Need It: How much do you really love your mother? If you love her then this is the quintessential Walking Dead fandom gift she deserves. Imagine her proudly displaying this for all guests to see and having a constant, carbon-steel reminder of how musher her child truly appreciates her and her fandom.