Top 10 Biggest Walking Dead Breakups: Lasting Heartbreaks

Top 10 Biggest Walking Dead Breakups: Lasting Heartbreaks - Shane Walsh and Lori Grimes - Photo Credit: AMC via
Top 10 Biggest Walking Dead Breakups: Lasting Heartbreaks - Shane Walsh and Lori Grimes - Photo Credit: AMC via /
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Top 10 Biggest Walking Dead Breakups: Lasting Heartbreaks - Shane Walsh and Lori Grimes - Photo Credit: AMC via
Top 10 Biggest Walking Dead Breakups: Lasting Heartbreaks – Shane Walsh and Lori Grimes – Photo Credit: AMC via /

Walking Dead Breakups Introduction:

Walking Dead romance usually doesn’t end happily ever after. Sometimes the passion fizzles out gradually, other times the courtship ends abruptly. The unlikeliest pairs stay forever together, while the picture-perfect couples don’t hold up for a single selfie. It could be the right circumstances that brought them together, mere coincidence, or just plain luck. Occasionally there’s no real answer for why they end. Sure, there’s usually ‘reasons’ given but it’s playing with words to when the fire was truly extinguished.

Today, we’re going to look at The Walking Dead’s top 10 biggest breakups of all time. The lasting heartbreaks that broke the characters’ hearts and changed them as people. Those ones that got away, the signs that were there, the day the love story ran out of pages. Close the chapter, slam down the book. Cause it’s over, and they’re not coming back.

That uneasy feeling right before you know it’s going to happen, pumping adrenaline to rescue something already unsalvageable. You step forward but the relationship moves backward with every step. Every time you reach out, the branch is further and further away. Whether it was Shane and Lori or Abraham and Rosita, the writing was on the wall long before words were spoken. Acceptance is the hardest part.

Next: 10) Carol and Tobin