Top 10 Biggest Walking Dead Breakups: Lasting Heartbreaks

Top 10 Biggest Walking Dead Breakups: Lasting Heartbreaks - Shane Walsh and Lori Grimes - Photo Credit: AMC via
Top 10 Biggest Walking Dead Breakups: Lasting Heartbreaks - Shane Walsh and Lori Grimes - Photo Credit: AMC via /
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Top 10 Biggest Walking Dead Breakups: Lasting Heartbreaks - Rosita - Photo Credit: AMC via
Top 10 Biggest Walking Dead Breakups: Lasting Heartbreaks – Rosita – Photo Credit: AMC via /

4) Abraham and Rosita

“When we met, I thought you were the last woman on Earth. You weren’t.” Brutal. Abraham demolished Rosita in one of the most memorable Walking Dead breakups. The ultimate line delivery! Abraham then went no-contact on Rosita and moved on to new girl Sasha without a regret in sight. This was all he before he even had a guarantee Sasha would be his! As we know, Abraham leaving Rosita for Sasha only made Rosita want him that much more. It was a win-win for Abraham.

He could always go back to Rosita if he really wanted and she’d likely be thankful just to have him back. Two of The Walking Dead’s women gamed by the redheaded one at the same time. They eventually bond after his death. Both claiming they just wanted the other to be happy and it wasn’t really about Abraham at all…

Even though they’re both willing to put their lives up for sacrifice on a moment’s notice on Negan missions. It’s certainly not to honor Abe, he wasn’t ‘that important’. Right? Abraham still had them on lockdown post-Negan when you think about it. That’s just how honest Abe rolled on The Walking Dead.

Next: 3) Rick and Lori