3 fan questions about The Walking Dead answered for May 13, 2017

Rick Grimes and Shane Walsh - The Walking Dead, AMC
Rick Grimes and Shane Walsh - The Walking Dead, AMC
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What are some topics that have fans of The Walking Dead wondering? We asked our readers what some of the best questions they had about the zombie apocalypse.

Each week, Undead Walking reaches out to our readers to find out what the most burning thoughts about The Walking Dead are, whether it is about the TV shows, comic books, video games, or any other related topic.

This week, the response was underwhelming. Only two great questions were given to us by the people on Twitter and only one from Facebook. Typically, I answer 5 questions, but instead, the May 13th edition will feature only 3.

It is highly recommended that you ask your questions either on the Facebook posts on Wednesday or on Twitter with both @UndeadWalkingFS and @MNVikingZombie tagged. That will ensure your question gets to me!

But let’s get started with this week’s answers, starting by discussion what the most important and powerful death in the history of The Walking Dead was and why is made such a difference in the franchise.