- Played by: Owen Ridings
- Introduced: Episode 306 “Hounded”
- Died: Episode 402 “Infected”
It is always sad when a child dies on The Walking Dead, and that was true when Owen passed away as well, even though the young man didn’t get much time on the screen or a storyline of his own.
Owen could be seen in Woodbury playing in the streets before coming to the prison. When he joined up with Rick’s group, he fit in with the kids right away. He was a regular at Carol’s storytelling circles in the library and was friendly with the other kids.
Like some of the other residents, Owen never saw his death coming. In the middle of the night, a walker entered the cell block and went right for the him. The zombie was another member of the community who died from the flu and wasn’t contained at his time of death.
Daryl was the one who had to put the boy to rest. His mother could be seen mourning his death afterwards, as Owen’s body was wrapped in a bloody blanket as she was kneeling on the ground sobbing.