- Played by: Taylor McPherson
- Introduced: Episode 401 “30 Days Without An Accident”
- Died: Episode 402 “Infected”
Thomas didn’t appear on The Walking Dead until season 4, but he was a member of Woodbury who came to the prison. He was often seen out of focus in the background and talking to other survivors.
His friendliness seemed infectious. Everyone around him was smiling and he was waving hello to everyone he came across. Also handy, Thomas could be seen in the garden helping out with the plants.
One of the victims of the reanimated walkers in the prison, off-screen Rick Grimes eventually put Thomas down inside of a cell. He seemed like a productive and happy member of the community, and one that could have been further developed had he survived.
The name of this character was never actually spoken on the show, but was confirmed by Taylor McPherson. Not only that, but after his death, Thomas could be seen in the yard digging holes to bury the bodies of the victims of the walkers, which ironically would have included his own corpse.