6. Daryl and Carol Are Reunited Outside Terminus
From season 5 episode 1:“No Sanctuary”
This is one of the best moments of the entire series. The second half of season 4 was really tough emotionally. The group was scattered and didn’t know if the other members were alive or dead. No one knew if they would find each other again.
But Carol hadn’t even been at the prison when The Governor attacked because Rick kicked her out. Still, despite everything, when she found Tyreese and the girls she stayed with them to help them. And when Tyreese and Carol came up on Terminus and saw that things were not right there she put a plan into action to save the others.
When the others had escaped she comes up on them very hesitantly, like she’s not sure if Rick is going to welcome her or not even though she had just saved them. When Daryl sees her he runs to her and hugs her so hard he picks her up off the ground. After losing Beth and going through the emotional wringer after the attack on the prison his joy at seeing her is enough to bring the tears.
Rick made a very bad decision when he kicked Carol out, and she’s never really fully rejoined the group as a result. But that hug between Carol and Daryl was the fulfillment that fans had been waiting for after an emotionally devastating season 4B. To have Daryl and Carol reunited was an outstanding moment.