5 questions answered in Fear The Walking Dead episode 303 ‘TEOTWAWKI’

Nick Clark (Frank Dillane) in Episode 3Photo by Michael Desmond/AMC Fear The Walking Dead
Nick Clark (Frank Dillane) in Episode 3Photo by Michael Desmond/AMC Fear The Walking Dead
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Some big questions were addressed in episode 303 of Fear The Walking Dead titled ‘TEOTWAWKI’. Here are 5 of the most important that were covered.

Every episode of AMC’s Fear The Walking Dead always bring some element of the story forward. Whether it is a major event or minor ones, some situations become resolved while others arise, making the story flow well.

For episode 303 titled ‘TEOTWAWKI’, the zombie survival drama closed the door on several major plots. The whereabouts of a major character was revealed, tension reached insane levels between two other characters, and others dealt with their losses in strange ways.

But one thing that is for certain is that fans love seeing some of the big plots be finalized so that others can commence. This week, we took a look at the five biggest questions that fans had about the show which were answered during the episode.

Let’s start things off by talking about Troy and Nick’s interesting relationship and what happened to get them to the strange point where they currently are on Fear The Walking Dead!