5 fan questions about The Walking Dead answered for June 17, 2017

Carol's Kill List - The Walking Dead, AMC
Carol's Kill List - The Walking Dead, AMC
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Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) and Dwight (Austin Amelio) in Episode 3, Photo by Gene Page/AMC
Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) and Dwight (Austin Amelio) in Episode 3, Photo by Gene Page/AMC

#2. Foreshadowing Alpha?

Misty Davis on Facebook asks: “Lots of people say that Kirkman or Gimple said the A was for Alexandria but if that was the case why has it continued to pop up??? Some people also think it is foreshadowing of Alpha from the comics…”

Most of the things that happen as recurring but non-essential parts of shows are either nods to past projects, influences, or just an inside joke. In the case of A, I think of it more as a reminder of how hard the survivors have had it over the years.

So far, the letter A has been used for quite a few major points in the story, including Terminus, Alexandria, The Sanctuary, Father Gabriel’s Church, and other places. Each of those were big turning points in the story if not for the group than individual characters.

Honestly, I don’t think Alpha needs any foreshadowing. When she does appear, it will be great to see how the TV show brings her to life. But in the meantime, I just think it is something to keep fans talking and remembering some of the things that helped shape these survivors.