1) This episode is, essentially, mostly a flashback, showing how he got the dam where Strand was being held prisoner in “TEOTWAWKI”.
2) As such, this episode is also the first this season to have any sort of flashback.
3) The beginning of this episode, with an injured and exhausted Daniel wandering alone, is reminiscent of the Season Two mid-season premiere, “Grotesque”, which featured Nick’s odyssey through the desert.
4) As Daniel hobbles through Tijuana(?) it seems like he keeps hearing (Or thinking) “she had to lose sometime”. Is the “she” referring to Celia?
5) Once again, the sound is different in the title sequence, with bells instead of the usual siren.
6) Efrain seems to say a prayer before dispatching infected. This again shows the more spiritual outlook people seems to have towards the undead in Mexico.
Next: The Mystery of Efrain