17) How does Dante know who Daniel is? When never find this out.
18) Furthermore, this is the first we’ve heard of Daniel’s training by the CIA.
19) Additionally, why does Daniel lie about how many people he’s killed? Was he not counting communists in the ninety-six he told Efrain about?
20) Daniel telling Lola he rousted up Efrain’s base to protect her seems like he may see a parallel between her and Ofelia. If not, it certainly seems like we are meant to see one.
21) Watching Daniel see Strand’s run-in with Dante’s goons is the first time this season we see the same event from a different perspective. It’s the second time we’ve seen it in the series, the first being Flight 462’s veering off course.
22) As such, this is reminiscent of the Season Six finale/Season Seven premiere of The walking Dead, where we saw Abraham’s death from his perspective and Rick’s.
Next: Lies And Redemption