Fear The Walking Dead, Red Dirt: Things To Note
By Liam O'Leary
1) The gun Nick practices with seems to be the same gun Jeremiah retrieved from Russell and Martha’s home in “Burning In Water, Drowning In Flame”.
2) Once again, the title sequence’s siren sound effect is replaced, this time by heavy drums.
3) While teaching Alicia to use the rifle, Jake addresses the fact that his dad and Vernon are the last two “Founding Fathers” of the ranch. While this is obviously true, it hadn’t been actually mentioned by anyone until this point.
4) Jake makes a point to put earmuffs on Alicia before she fires the rifle. This one of only a small handful of times either Walking Dead has addressed the potential for hearing damage from firing guns. Most have revolved around Rick, such as in the tank in “Days Gone Bye” and during his fight with Joe in Season Four’s “A”.
5) Gretchen tells Madison her dad, Vernon, knows of a colony in Colorado. This is the first time we’ve heard of any civilization left in Colorado in either Walking Dead series.
Next: Seeds Of Trouble Being Sown?