Review: Fear The Walking Dead episode 307 ‘The Unveiling’

Daniel Sharman as Troy Otto - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 7 - Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Daniel Sharman as Troy Otto - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 7 - Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
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Was season 3 episode 7 of Fear The Walking Dead any good? Here is a breakdown of the good, bad, and interesting things from ‘The Unveiling’.

On Sunday, July 9, 2017, Fear The Walking Dead aired back-to-back episodes on AMC. The first installment was episode 307 in the series and is titled ‘The Unveiling’, which set things up for the midseason finale to immediately follow.

But before discussing the events of the midseason finale, there is quite a bit to break down from this interesting episode of the series. Not only is war brewing between two groups of survivors, but Strand is in major trouble and Daniel is still looking for his daughter Ofelia.

But what were the good parts of the episode? Which segments didn’t quite hit the mark? And what were some moments that left fans with interesting thoughts? And, the big question, was the episode good?

Let’s discuss all those things starting by talking about the positive things from season 3 episode 7 of Fear The Walking Dead!