1. Negan Figures Out Sasha Had Help Dying
In The Walking Dead season 7 finale Negan and The Saviors retreated from Alexandria under fire from the combined communities. When they were back at The Sanctuary Negan was trying to work out how Sasha had died inside the coffin. Eugene said that she must have suffocated from a lack of air. But Negan’s face implied that he believed there was more to it than that.
The wives know that Eugene crafted at least one suicide pill. And he refused to give them the pill once he figured out they wanted to try to kill Negan. It’s entirely plausible that Negan will find out that Eugene made the pill and from that figures out that he gave the pill to Sasha. If that happens it’s safe to assume that Eugene won’t be enjoying Negan’s protection any longer. Even though Eugene is helping The Sanctuary run better and stay safer through his suggestions it won’t protect him.
Negan, who always wants to put on a show, was really looking forward to revealing Sasha had joined him. If Negan finds out that Eugene took that opportunity away from him and gave Rick the opportunity to go on the offensive Eugene might end up facing Lucille’s wrath.
Eugene’s allegiance to The Saviors is still in question. Negan doesn’t totally trust that Eugene is fully on board as a Savior. So Eugene will have to tread carefully and lie pretty convincingly if he wants to live. But he’s good at lying for survival, so he may be ok.