Inside The Walking Dead booth at SDCC 2017

TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock /
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock /

Now that the dust has settled from San Diego Comic Con, let’s take a look inside The Walking Dead’s awesome booth on the Exhibit Hall floor.

I always look forward to what to seeing what AMC puts together at The Walking Dead booth, and the 2017 booth might just be the best of all. Every year the booth features an iconic scene from the show, from Noah trapped in the revolving door to Terminus, where “Those who arrive survive” played endlessly from loudspeakers.

The 2017 AMC booth was a cut above the rest, with a walk through exhibit that featured many of the seventh season’s major locations. The line for the booth wrapped around the outside and then was split off, where it continued against the back wall of the Exhibit Hall. (Major props go to the people staffing AMC’s booth, as they did a great job keeping people from cutting the lines) The people working the booth were dressed in dirty grey sweats with letters on them to tell them apart.

TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock /
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock /
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock /

Upon getting to the starting point, guests were escorted to King Ezekiel’s throne room, where you could be photographed on the throne with Shiva at your side. Shiva’s head moved as she cast her gaze at the crowd before her.

TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock /

The next stop was the Walker infested entrance to the Scavenger’s less than humble abode, where actors dressed quite convincingly as Walkers posed for selfies with guests. (Yes, they did pause from their torments long enough to take a selfie before continuing to terrorize guests)

TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock /
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock /

I enjoyed watching the people taking pictures outside of the chain link fence, because they were so absorbed in their photos it made it easy for the Walkers to jump out and scare them. Good times.

Once you pass inside the doorway you meet a battered Winnie the Pooh and Winslow, the pit Walker Rick faced to prove his worthiness when he first met Jadis and the Scavengers.

TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock /
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock /
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock /

Piles of trash line the walls as you walk through the exhibit, and there’s one more Walker on the inside waiting to frighten you before you come upon Negan at the exit.

TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock /
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock
TWD booth at SDCC 2017, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock /

Negan is standing beside the infamous incinerator with Lucille over his shoulder. He’s smiling, because Negan is a happy guy…for now.

After taking photos, guests were escorted from the exhibit.

This year’s booth was a lot of fun, given the size and scope that it covered. The outside wasn’t as ornate as past years, and I think this makes a lot of sense because everything you wanted to see was on the inside.

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What do you think of The Walking Dead booth at SDCC 2017?