Fear the Walking Dead: Will Daniel approve of Walker?

Michael Greyeyes as Qaletaqa Walker - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 7 - Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Michael Greyeyes as Qaletaqa Walker - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 7 - Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC

When Fear the Walking Dead returns it’s likely that Daniel will reunite with Ofelia, but what will he think of the choices she has made?

It’s very likely that Daniel Salazar will reunite with his daughter Ofelia when Fear the Walking Dead returns in September. But gone is the timid young woman Daniel knew before. Now Ofelia is strong and sure of herself, and she has fallen into place with Walker and his people. While Daniel will be proud of his daughter, who is more like her father than he probably ever imagined, will he agree with her decision to fight with Walker and his people?

Of all of the characters in the Fear the Walking Dead universe, Ofelia is the one who has made one of the biggest transformations. After she abandoned Alicia at the resort, she went on a journey of her own. When she was near death in the desert, Jeremiah Otto mistreated her and Walker saved her life. That’s why she’s fighting with him. She’s such a huge part of Walker’s team that she acted as a double agent and poisoned the militia.

Daniel will likely approve of his daughter’s new skillset, but what will he think of Walker and Walker’s philosophies?

Daniel is a smart guy. He’s savvy, and if he has any suspicions about Walker then he will likely try to convince Ofelia to return to the dam with him. But will she listen to her father?

Ofelia was leading a double life before the apocalypse began, splitting her time between helping her parents and seeing a young man who wanted her to go away with him. Ultimately Ofelia opted to stay with her family, so the big question is whether or not she will make that same decision again. If she’s happy with Walker (and willing to risk hurting Nick and his family) will she turn her back on him if her father asks her to leave?

I’m not so sure that Daniel will support Walker, but I don’t see him falling into the way of life at Broke Jaw Ranch, either. Daniel will be forced to choose between his daughter and his friends, but since he’s the one with access to water, he might have an ace in the hole.

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Fear the Walking Dead returns September 10 on AMC.