5 fan questions about The Walking Dead answered for September 16, 2017
By Adam Carlson
#5. You’re a fake and a phony
Pam Smith on Facebook asks: “Why would Madison give up the only collateral for purchasing water to save Strand, when she will have no way of purchasing a large volume of water for the ranch, even if Strand gets them to the dam. Strand even told her he & Daniel were at odds, so it seemed like a stupid decision and can endanger her touchy comradery with Qaletaqa.”
I’ll be honest. Season 3 episode 10 of Fear The Walking Dead was one of my least favorite episodes of the series. While I’m a big fan of Strand, the entire situation and execution didn’t make much sense at all.
I firmly believe they were trying to show that Madison is a good person having her ‘rescue’ Victor from the people at the Bazaar, but that impression was overshadowed by the sheer stupidity of trading resources for a person instead of water.
This also created a bigger rift between the people of the Black Hat and those who were at the ranch. Qaletaqa will definitely have something to say about this decision and Madison will have to explain her move to the people when she gets back to the ranch…and it may result in violence.
Still, it’s disappointing that a move that was likely supposed to make fans cheer instead made them question Madison even more. And there is absolutely no assurance that water will be available if they even get to the dam, so trading those coins for Strand was a MASSIVE gamble.
Next: Predictions for FTWD 311
Do you have some other answers to these questions? Would you like to see your questions answered in a future installment of our The Walking Dead mailbag? Leave your questions on the Undead Walking Facebook, Twitter, or in the comments section below.