Title and synopsis for The Walking Dead season 8 premiere episode

Austin Amelio as Dwight, Josh McDermitt as Eugene Porter; Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan - The Walking Dead Season 8 - Photo Credit: Alan Clark, AMC, and Entertainment Weekly and IGN
Austin Amelio as Dwight, Josh McDermitt as Eugene Porter; Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan - The Walking Dead Season 8 - Photo Credit: Alan Clark, AMC, and Entertainment Weekly and IGN

The title and episode description for the season 8 premiere of AMC’s The Walking Dead has been released! Find out what to expect on October 22, 2017!

Fans of The Walking Dead were given hope at the end of season 7. The survivors from Alexandria, The Hilltop, and The Kingdom banded together to push The Saviors and The Scavengers out of their communities but started a war in the process.

Season 8 of the popular AMC zombie survival drama series will kick off on Sunday, October 22, 2017. Viewers will get a chance to find out what happened after the events of the season 7 finale and how the group will go about fighting Negan and his men.

Today, the episode title and synopsis were released for the season 8 premiere on the official website of The Walking Dead.

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Titled ‘Mercy’, season 8 episode 1 will feature some jumps in time as well as fill everyone in on the mysterious ‘old man Rick’ that was teased at the end of the Comic-Con trailer in San Diego this year.

The episode description is not quite as interesting as one would hope it would be, as it gives very little away as to what to expect in ‘Mercy’. Here is the synopsis shared on the website:

"“Rick and his group, along with the Kingdom and Hilltop, have banded together to bring the fight to Negan and the Saviors.”"

This has already happened at the end of season 7, but it isn’t shocking that AMC doesn’t want to give fans too much in the way of spoilers or expectations heading into the big season 8 premiere episode.

Next: 10 predictions for The Walking Dead season 8

Are you excited for episode 801 titled ‘Mercy’ on October 22, 2017? And what do you think will happen when the communities fight back against Negan and The Saviors? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.