Fear the Walking Dead: 5 questions we have about the season finale

Colman Domingo as Victor Strand, Kim Dickens as Madison Clark - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 14 - Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Colman Domingo as Victor Strand, Kim Dickens as Madison Clark - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 14 - Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC

The season finale of Fear the Walking Dead is here and we have so many questions yet to be answered. Here are the top 5 questions we have.

It’s hard to believe the two-hour season finale of Fear the Walking Dead is here. It seems like Morgan and her family just arrived at Broke Jaw Ranch and were trying to settle in and now the Ranch is gone and Madison’s family is divided.

As a season, Fear the Walking Dead has covered a lot of ground and we have seen the wholesale slaughter of two whole communities. Now the group has been reduced to a handful of survivors who are hoping to find a safe shelter. However, Madison’s kids don’t believe there is such thing as a safe place anymore so they want to strike out on their own. So we’re all divided leading into the finale, and it’s anyone’s guess as to how this plays out.

Can the Clark family come together once again?

Things are looking bleak for Clark family matriarch after her kids left her in order to follow their own paths. While it’s true that this time around she knows where Nick is, Madison doesn’t know where Alicia is but she has to accept it. There’s nothing she can do.

Alicia needs to figure things out for herself right now. She has a new companion in Diana and together they will have their own journey while Alicia works on her issues.

Nick and Troy have remained behind at the bazaar to do God-only-knows-what. This could be good or it could end up really bad.

Madison has moved on to the dam with the other surviving members of the group. But will her kids come back to her? It’s hard to say.

Is Victor Strand trustworthy?

Strand sought out a man called Proctor John when he was back at the bazaar. He had news and wanted to pass it along to him. But what is this news, and what could be possibly be up to?

We know that Strand and Daniel have a very delicate relationship, one full of tension and mistrust. It’s also no secret that Strand is the consummate con man who has no problem selling people out to advance his agenda.

Strand was trying to connect with Proctor John to make some kind of deal with him, but will Strand’s deal put the whole group at risk? Can Strand be trusted?

What has been happening at the dam?

When Madison and Walker left the dam, Lola was in a precarious situation. Insurgents looking to take control of the dam were nearby, along with legions of people who want access to the precious resource.

There’s no question that sitting on top of such a massive resource is always going to be a threat. The question is whether or not Lola can handle it. On the one hand she has Daniel telling her that she must take every measure to protect the resource, and on the other there is Efrain who doesn’t see the problem with giving the water to everyone who needs it. Daniel (and Walker, Strand and Madison) know what happens when people want what you have. But who will Lola listen to?

Where is Luciana?

Luciana has been gone for a long time. Will she pop up at the bazaar, or will Alicia encounter her somewhere, or will she be the Fear the Walking Dead version of Heath as she wanders off and never returns?

Is there such thing as a safe place anymore?

The bazaar seems to be a secure location and they have a system for making sure that people don’t go inside who might be sick. Their system, however, has flaws because Ofelia was able to make it inside after being bitten. But the bazaar isn’t a safe place at all if you’re not capable of playing the game. There’s a careful balance of power inside, one that has a few people at the top calling all of the shots while everyone else numbs themselves to the pain of living. This is why drugs and sex are so prevalent there.

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The dam also seems secure, but it’s a sitting duck so long as the rain stays away from the area. People need water, and people do strange and desperate things when they are trying to survive.

Alicia and Nick are willing to call it like it is: There are no more safe places, and Madison needs to wake up and realize that. There are no safe places, but there are place to take shelter. That’s a major difference, so they need to start changing the way they see things.

The season 3 finale of Fear the Walking Dead is Sunday, October 15 at 9pm on AMC.