Review: Fear The Walking Dead episode 315 ‘Things Bad Begun’

Rubén Blades as Daniel Salazar - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 15 - Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Rubén Blades as Daniel Salazar - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 15 - Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
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Rubén Blades as Daniel Salazar - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 15 - Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Rubén Blades as Daniel Salazar – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 15 – Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC

The Interesting Occurrences from FTWD 315

  1. Cliff Curtis shown in the show credits. Curtis’ character Travis has been dead for quite a while, but his name still appeared in the opening credits. This opened up all kinds of speculation as to what his role might be in the finale episodes.
  2. Bringing walker heads for brain stems. NIck found a way to make money by collecting zombie brainstems. He looked like he was having a little too much fun tossing them into shopping carts and bringing them to the man at the bar to sell.
  3. Iced angel cookies. Madison, your days of making iced cookies for your kids (or maybe grandkids) is an absolute pipe dream unless you get the focus back on your family and bring everyone together again. The turkey and stuffing ain’t happening either.
  4. Alicia really wants to keep that hair! A conversation about selling hair is a massive distraction for Alicia when driving, as she was blindsided by another vehicle looking to steal their goods. I’m all for fun driving conversation, but there is a time when having focus is more important.
  5. “I had a kid sister almost as pretty as you…almost.” Yeah, that might be the creepiest line I’ve ever heard on any television show in all my life. Proctor John is sure a unique character and he isn’t going to make a lot of friends with creepy dialogue like that.