Fear The Walking Dead: Who’s The Worst? Part 3

ByLiam O'Leary|
John Proctor (Ray McKinnon) and Lola Guerrero (Lisandra Tena) in Fear The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 16Photo by Richard Foreman Jr/AMC
John Proctor (Ray McKinnon) and Lola Guerrero (Lisandra Tena) in Fear The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 16Photo by Richard Foreman Jr/AMC
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Michael Greyeyes as Qaletaqa Walker, Fear The Walking Dead — AMC
Michael Greyeyes as Qaletaqa Walker, Fear The Walking Dead — AMC


Now, I imagine you’re seeing this and being mildly confused.

Qaletaqa?! What’s he doing here?!” You might ask.

Well, the answer to that question is simple and straightforward: Biological warfare.

Now, granted, Qaletaqa was not the person who spread the biological weapon in question (We’ll get to that), but, he is the mastermind behind it.

Dominic Bogart as Joe, Matt Lasky as Cooper, Fear The Walking Dead — AMC
Dominic Bogart as Joe, Matt Lasky as Cooper, Fear The Walking Dead — AMC

In an attempt to make a potential attack of Broke Jaw Ranch easier, he tricked Ofelia into poisoning the militia’s coffee with Anthrax, killing several, and weakening many more.

I understand what the ranch meant to Qaletaqa, but, imagine being on the receiving end of such an attack, would any reasoning be enough to excuse it? Honestly, if someone were to tell me there was…I’d be certain they were lying.

On top of that, let’s not gloss over how this affected Ofelia. He lied to her, implying to her it was something like ipecac, and would only temporarily incapacitate its victims, when in fact, it killed a large portion of the poisoned. This left her with a great deal of guilt that she never should have had to take on.

That said, Qaletaqa certainly made efforts to make right what he did, but, I’ll save that for later.

Qaletaqa is not a bad person by any means, but, I’d be remiss if I didn’t put him here. A person can say “The ends justify the means”, but, say it long enough, and it just becomes an excuse to commit evil.

Mercedes Mason as Ofelia Salazar, Fear The Walking Dead — AMC
Mercedes Mason as Ofelia Salazar, Fear The Walking Dead — AMC

While I’m here, let’s not forget the person who actually administered the biological warfare in question: Ofelia.

This is, once again, pretty straightforward: Ofelia, operating under Qaletaqa’s orders, put Anthrax in people’s coffee at Broke Jaw Ranch. Several people died as a result, and many more were left quite sick.

I know Ofelia was just as surprised as the ranchers were to discover what she had poisoned them with, but…she was still poisoning people. What did she honestly expect?

I don’t consider either Qaletaqa or Ofelia evil by any means, but, again, I’d be remiss not to put them on this list.

Next: Once A Killer...