We talked to The Walking Dead’s Tamiel, Sabrina Gennarino, about her role in upcoming short film Death of an Umbrella Salesman!
Sabrina Gennarino is reuniting with close friends from the beginning of her career for short film, Death of an Umbrella Salesman. Jadis’ number #1 Scavenger henchwoman is going old-school for the occasion with Director/Writer Steve Herold and actor Kevin Kolack.
We had an opportunity to speak with Gennarino about the experience of working on a short film once again with some very familiar faces… Going in the time machine to write a new chapter so to speak. Death of an Umbrella Salesman Director Steve Herold even chimed in with key details of his own!
Interview with Sabrina Gennarino on Death of an Umbrella Salesman

UndeadWalking.com – Nir Regev: You reunited with Director/Writer Steve Herold and actor Kevin Kolack from 2000 short H.R. Pukenshette for Death of an Umbrella Salesman, what was it like?
Sabrina Gennarino: It was amazing. I have so much love for Steve! He actually gave me one of my first jobs in H.R. Pukenshette, which was a homage to H.R. Pufnstuf with its use of puppets, but about a dude who couldn’t get his s*** together. It was very funny and silly. We’ve been buds ever since. And Kevin is an amazing human. It was truly fantastic to work with him again.
UD: You appear to play a majorly lighter character than The Walking Dead’s Tamiel in this film-short. Betsy May Morgan, who says in almost a kind of Southern belle tone, “I could use an umbrella” in the film trailer [found below in article].
Do you enjoy the energy that goes into a Comedy more than a Horror Drama or does each one have its pluses and minuses, if any?
Gennarino: I love them both! I really do. I honestly don’t see any minuses. Every character, no matter the genre, has so much to discover for me. I just really love to dive into them all and see what they’re all about. Again, no matter the genre, the characters require an incredible amount of energy and devotion. That’s the way they become “real” to me and for me.

UD: Is the name ‘Death of an Umbrella Salesman’ meant to satire Arthur Miller’s famous play ‘Death of A Salesman’ or more of just a fun play on words than a running theme in the film short?
Gennarino: That’s a better question for Steve but yes and no. Yes in that the title is obviously a play on words and yes, it is about a salesman in a dead industry. But I wouldn’t exactly call it satirical. While it is funny, it’s also quite sad and pathetic. Kevin [Kolack] does a beautiful job walking that line.
Steve Herold: The title and the film really have nothing to do with the Arthur Miller play. It’s not a parody of it or even an homage. I honestly just needed a title and that’s first thing that popped into my head.

UD: When/where will fans be able to see Death of an Umbrella Salesman? Will it be available on steaming services like Netflix and Amazon or even a limited release Theater run?
Herold: I finished the film in August. It runs 18-minutes long. Now I’m submitting it to film festivals both in US and abroad. Hopefully, we’ll get a few good screenings so people can come out and see it on the big screen. After that, I would guess some time next summer, it will be available to view on Amazon Prime.
UD: In this 2000 photo you have hair rollers, do you still use those or is it all about flat irons these days?
Gennarino: OMG! I LOVE that photo! And ya know, I do still sometimes use rollers! If I have a million things to do and don’t have time to stand still, rollers in, million things handled, hair done! Otherwise, yes, flat iron or my true fave, hair back in a messy bun and I’m out the door.
UD: Do you see yourself doing more shorts in the future, or was this more of a fun project to do with friends from the past?
Gennarino: Great question… This was definitely more of a fun project to do with friends. And I loved it. But sure, if the right short came along, I’d be game.
Death of an Umbrella Salesman Trailer
The Walking Dead’s Sabrina Gennarino can be seen at 0:18-0:19 and 0:30-:0:32 in the trailer. Playing quite a contrasting character to what we’re used to in Tamiel. We’re excited to see Gennarino play out this new acting role in Death of an Umbrella Salesman! A whole different light to Walking Dead fans.
Keep up to date on Death of an Umbrella Salesman and future screenings on Facebook and Instagram.
Remember to check out behind the scenes footage over on Youtube!