The Walking Dead: Strategic Mercy

Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes - The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 1 - Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes - The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 1 - Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC

The Walking Dead returns for season 8.  Alexandria, Hilltop and the Kingdom must take down the looming threat. How do you kill Negan?  Chopping his head off is an option.  If not  he will return stronger and angrier.

Dismantling  Negan and the Saviors requires strategic planning.   In Season 7 of AMC’s The Walking Dead, Rick’s group cut a piece of the Saviors tail off.  The group murdered the entire satellite outpost with the intention of killing Negan.  They paid dearly for this mistake. Losing both Abraham (Michael Cudlitz) and Glenn (Steven Yuen).   In the season 8 opener there is more organization between Hilltop, Alexandria & the Kingdom.

Armed with the element of surprise, several factions of the Saviors are taken out one by one. They have outfitted vehicles with metal shields covering the side windows.  The beloved RV is fitted to resemble an armed tank of destruction.   The explosion of the RV sent a piece of Walking Dead history up in smoke.

Everyone has a specific role to play in the attack of the Saviors. Tara, Carol, Morgan and Daryl work to corral a herd of walkers. Fighting one walker is easy, maybe even two.  A herd of walkers are unstoppable, especially if they surprise their victims.  Boom! the sound echoing as Daryl ignites each explosive to guide the walkers toward the Saviors compound.

Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon - The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 1 - Photo Credit: Greg Nicotero/AMC
Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon – The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 1 – Photo Credit: Greg Nicotero/AMC

The element of surprise is the biggest advantage the communities  currently have against the Saviors. Until Rick confronts Negan directly the strategic plan is not obvious.  Killing Negan is the main objective, right?

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Still in strategic mode, the communities purposely fire their guns into the Savior compound causing a mass scatter. Negan becomes vulnerable and Rick contemplates taking him out.  Father Gabriel quickly steps in and reminds Rick that this is not about him.  It is here the plan takes shape, the communities are not just out to kill Negan but to destroy everything his built.

AMC’s The Walking Dead returns Sunday 9pm