Gregory knows you’re mad and he’d do it again, deal with it internet

Gregory knows you're mad and he'd do it again, deal with it internet - Photo Credit: AMC via (uploader: Cass)
Gregory knows you're mad and he'd do it again, deal with it internet - Photo Credit: AMC via (uploader: Cass)

Gregory has absolutely no regrets about his actions toward Father Gabriel on the last Walking Dead, there’s a sucker born every minute!

No tears were shed by Gregory on last Sunday’s Walking Dead premiere, after leaving his rescuer in need of being rescued. Ole’ Greg wants to know, are you mad internet? He heard through the social media grapevine that you are. Here’s what Gregory has to say in response, friends… #Deal with it!

Gregory would do it again, might even make it three times for laughs. After he left Father Gabriel to a certain demise and a new roommate in Negan, what do you think Gregory did? Went to confession? Nope!

He went back to Hilltop to pop the cork off an aged bottle of Whiskey. Polished off half the bottle for kicks, then laughed into the night. There Father Gabriel was about to make his grand exit, when he went back and got Grand Theft Autoed in broad daylight! We bet Gabriel won’t be crossing through that area again, oh wait. Negan says hi.

Sucker born every minute

Is it Gregory’s fault some people are just a glutton for punishment? Ready to be bamboozled, hustled, and guilted through at every step? Did Gregory leave the keys in the ignition? It’s a miracle one of the walkers didn’t stumble in.

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The Hilltop extraordinaire simply saw a hungry pack of walkers approaching… And a free deal on a car with no downpayment! Not even a lease. Bargain basement prices.

What would you have done?

Waited to be held captive by the people who just attacked the base you swore loyalty to? No thanks.

Better to make a quick exit, no additional passengers. This isn’t Uber. Ole’ Greg doesn’t have to share. You leave it, you lose it.

Gregory leaves Father Gabriel with a nice new friend, networking really pays off

All this time Father Gabriel got no face time with Negan. Well Gregory put an end to that! Put those networking skills to the test. Ole’ Greg has friends in high places, a social butterfly he is. What a pal, letting Gabriel get a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet a leading industry giant!

You can’t buy a meeting like that. Really, Gabriel should be happy this happened. You too for that matter.

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Since, Gregory would do it again every single time, and if you don’t like it…. Just know, he loves it that you don’t! That’s why he runs the Hilltop, not a charity.