The 10 saddest deaths from AMC’s The Walking Dead season 1-7

The Walking Dead;AMC;Scott Wilson as Hershel Greene
The Walking Dead;AMC;Scott Wilson as Hershel Greene
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The Walking Dead;AMC;Steven Yeun as Glenn Rhee
The Walking Dead;AMC;Steven Yeun as Glenn Rhee

1. Glenn Rhee

Glenn’s death was a shock. After Negan brutally battered Abe it seemed like that would be the end of it. Until Daryl decided to try to attack Negan. Glenn had almost died many times before, and until Negan swung Lucille directly at Glenn’s head it seemed like maybe he’d be able to survive that threat too. But even Glenn couldn’t survive Lucille.

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Maggie’s pain was horrible to watch. Glenn and Maggie’s love story throughout the seasons has been one of the few hopeful lights in the darkness of that world. Knowing that Glenn will never get to see his child and that Maggie, who has lost so much, must raise that child alone is heartbreaking. Almost as heartbreaking as Glenn turning to Maggie in his last moments.

Losing one of the original Atlanta survivors is always difficult. But losing Glenn was so much worse than losing anyone else because he was the one who saved Rick. Without Glenn Rick never would have found Lori and Carl. And Rick would never have become the leader he became. Glenn was the heart of the survivors’ group since the beginning.

Like Hershel’s death, Glenn’s death is one that fans will never get over. And like Hershel Glenn’s presence will always affect the group. Maggie’s speech to Rick in The Walking Dead season 7 finale where she told Rick that she came to help Alexandria because it’s what Glenn would have done.

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This proves that Maggie will continue to live and fight not just for herself, but for Glenn.
“You honor the dead by going on. Even when you’re scared. You live because they don’t get to.” – Glenn Rhee