The Walking Dead, The Damned: Things To Note

Morales (Juan Gabriel Pareja) in The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 2Photo by Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
Morales (Juan Gabriel Pareja) in The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 2Photo by Jackson Lee Davis/AMC /
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Brett Gentile as Freddie, Jeremy Palko as Andy, The Walking Dead — AMC
Brett Gentile as Freddie, Jeremy Palko as Andy, The Walking Dead — AMC /

6) Freddie and Andy are the first (confirmed) casualties of The Alliance in the war, thus far.

7) Incidentally, Morgan’s words proved quite prophetic, as, while he was shot at, he did not die.

8) Dean is the third hostile to feign surrender in some capacity, yet, attempt to attack. The others were Officer Lamson in Season Five’s “Crossed”, and the “Red Jacket Wolf” in Season Six’s “JSS”. In the first case, Lamson attacked Sasha after tricking her into to put down and old friend of his who’d turned, and in the other, the Wolf attempted to take Carl’s gun after begging for his life after Carl shot him in the leg.

9) Dean’s lie about being a worker raises an interesting point: We don’t see any workers at the radar station. Does this mean that the workers are only at The Sanctuary?

10) While we don’t see any workers at Mara’s outpost, Daryl does find a cell, much like his, complete with dog food sandwich, at the base. Who the prisoner was, or if they’re even still alive, we don’t find out.