The Walking Dead, The Damned: Things To Note

Morales (Juan Gabriel Pareja) in The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 2Photo by Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
Morales (Juan Gabriel Pareja) in The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 2Photo by Jackson Lee Davis/AMC /
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Lennie James as Morgan Jones, Joshua Mikel as Jared, Alanna Masterson as Tara Chambler, The Walking Dead — AMC
Lennie James as Morgan Jones, Joshua Mikel as Jared, Alanna Masterson as Tara Chambler, The Walking Dead — AMC /

11) As he explores the Savior base, Rick stumbles upon a rather domesticated bedroom. Who does it belong to? Was it Mara’s? I mean…she was clearly in charge, it would stand to reason that the person in charge would have the most comfortable-looking bedroom.

12) In a show of how far Morgan’s gone, he has flashbacks to his discussion with Rick just before The Group attacked the radar station the first time in Season Six’s “Not Tomorrow Yet”, during which, he expressed his desire not to have to kill The Saviors.

13) Apparently, after Benjamin’s death in Season Seven’s “Bury Me Here”, Gavin got sick of Jared’s shenanigans, and transferred him. Whether that transfer came with a promotion to head of the radar station is unknown.

14) Gavin transferring is the second glimpse we’ve seen this season of how (relatively) reasonable he is. The first being his attempt to speak up when Rick called for a surrender when he arrived at The Sanctuary in “Mercy”.

15) Gracie is the third baby seen in The Walking Dead. The other two are Judith and the unnamed baby Daryl and Merle saved in Season Three’s “Home”.

16) If Mara owned the bedroom Rick found earlier…could that mean that she was Gracie’s mother?

17) In a rather amusing bit, as Ezekiel runs to the bridge, he stops at a sign that reads “No running”.

18) Morales’s appearance is his first since he left The Group for Birmingham in Season One’s “Wildfire”.

19) So…was Rick just planning on leaving the baby there?

Next: The Walking Dead, Mercy: Things To Note

And, with that, we’ve concluded our Things To Note for this week. Was there anything you missed? Was there anything I missed? Feel free to throw in your things to note in the comments!

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