Over first 99 episodes of the Walking Dead, our favorite characters had to make many tough decisions. However, they did not always make the right ones…
Before we begin, it would probably help to define what qualifies as a “decision”. Knee-jerk reactions or spur-of-the-moment actions were left out – for instance, Daryl punching Negan in season 7 of The Walking Dead certainly was a bad idea, but cannot really be qualified as a “decision”. It was a purely emotional reaction. The same could be said, for instance, about Andrea not killing the Governor while he was asleep: in that moment, Andrea was the victim of her own feelings for the man and couldn’t do what she knew she must do. She didn’t really “decide” not to kill him – she tried to do it and couldn’t.
So, what is meant by “decisions”, are actions that were taken consciously, not as purely emotional reactions, and/or after some measure of deliberation.
Now, what constitutes a bad decision? Two main criteria: first, a bad decision is one that has (or could have had) fateful consequences; secondly, a bad decision is one that involved at least a certain amount of stupidity and/or carelessness – meaning that the bad consequences could have been foreseen and possibly avoided.