Help and Helpless
Carol leads the way as Jerry and the King follow behind her. Ezekiel says to leave him if he’s slowing them down. Carol won’t hear it.
They reach the muddy river, which is full of Walkers. Ezekiel says they can’t make it with him but Carol again insists. Jerry fights them off, but it’s not a great place to put up a fight. Ezekiel tries to fight them off. Jerry says he’s the King and Ezekiel says he isn’t the King. He tells them he’s no king, and that he’s just “some guy.” Shiva swoops in and fights off the Walkers while they escape, but she is quickly overtaken by Walkers. He watches as she is eaten alive. Jerry says he can’t let the King go to help her. Even Carol is horrified. They watch as the Walkers feed and the water turns red.
Ezekiel is destroyed.
Back at the Kingdom, the gates are opened and the three of them walk inside. Ezekiel walks on his own. His people run out to greet them, but he is empty. Henry rushes up but Ezekiel can’t speak. He keeps walking. Carol and Jerry watch, knowing what happened has forever changed this man, their King.