The Walking Dead, Some Guy: Things To Note

Khary Payton as King Ezekiel, The Walking Dead -- AMC
Khary Payton as King Ezekiel, The Walking Dead -- AMC /
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Khary Payton as King Ezekiel, The Walking Dead — AMC
Khary Payton as King Ezekiel, The Walking Dead — AMC /

Did you miss anything in last Sunday’s episode of The Walking Dead? It was a doozy. Watch it, then come back and catch up with Things To Note!

Last week, a friend of mine told me he was getting frustrated with The Walking Dead. He felt like there wasn’t enough focus on the characters’ struggles with the world as it now was, and that characters seemed to get over things way too quickly.

Well, I think this past Sunday’s episode was just what he needed.

In what was one of my favorite episodes of the show thus far, we watched as Ezekiel watched a nightmare unfold in front of him. His people were decimated, and left to turn, he was accused of manipulating them, making him question what he was even doing, his closest friend and greatest protector, Shiva, was devoured by the dead, and he returned to his kingdom feeling like he’d let his people down.

But, if you saw the episode, you already know all of this. And, if you’ve gotten this far, you know that what we do here is go over all the little hints, clues, callbacks, references, and foreshadowing you might have overlooked the first time around and bring it right out so you can see the second time around.

So…are you ready? IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN!! It’s time for this week’s installment of Things To Note!!